The enrollment fee can be paid exclusively with pagoPA by choosing the payment section in your private area. Further information about payment methods can be found at How to pay.
Payment by third parties, public or private, national or international
Payment must be formalized by the deadline specified in the announcement of the course/postgraduate program.
To start the procedure, contact by email the Ufficio Unife Master School at
In accordance with Decree-Law no. 76, 16/07/2020, payment by all private and public entities not subject to a single treasury regime must be carried out exclusively through the system PagoPA.
Payment by public entities in accordance with Tables A and B of Law 720/1984 subject to a single treasury regime must be carried out by interbank money transfer on the treasury account registered to the Università degli Studi di Ferrara, IBAN N. IT49G0100004306TU0000011290.