Required Qualifications to access Postgraduate Programs/courses
To access first-level postgraduate programs and specialization courses, one of the following qualifications is required:
- a) University degree that requires at least three years for completion, achieved in line with D.M. 509/1999 or D.M. 270/2004 or previous regulations to D.M. 509/1999 or D.M. 270/2004.
- b) equivalent qualification in line with the current legislation or other qualification achieved abroad assessed as adequate.
To access second-level postgraduate programs, one of the following qualifications is required:
- a) Specialist degree achieved in line with D.M. 509/1999
- b) Master’s degree in line with D.M. 270/2004
- c) Degree achieved according to previous regulations to D.M. 509/1999 or D.M. 270/2004
- d) equivalent qualification in line with the current legislation or other qualification achieved abroad assessed as adequate.
To access training courses, it is compulsory to own a high school diploma, or another qualification achieved abroad assessed as adequate.