Attachments to the application for the enrolment in a course/postgraduate program
After the process of enrolment, you must attach to your application all the documents listed in the article “Modalità di iscrizione” (“enrolment conditions”) of the announcement of the course/postgraduate program you chose.
To upload the attachments, select “Allegati carriera” (“career attachments”) from your personal area.
For the attachments listed in the announcement of the course/postgraduate program select “allegato generico” (“generic attachment”).
Attachments to the application for the admission test to a course/postgraduate program
Check the article “Modalità di ammissione alla selezione” (“modalities of admission to the selection”) of the announcement of the course/postgraduate program to see which documents you can/must attach to the application for the admission test.
Once you finished the procedure of enrolment in the selection, select “test di ammissione” (“admission test”) and then the test you enrolled in.
Select “modifica titoli di valutazione” (“modify assessment titles”) to attach the required documents or modify the ones already uploaded.