Enrolling in the admission test of a course/postgraduate program


To enrol in a course/postgraduate program, you must use SPID.  If you do not have it yet, ask for it now!

If you have foreign citizenship, you live abroad, you do not have a tax identification number and ID released in Italy, you must not activate SPID. Please, follow this procedure instead.


To enrol in a course/postgraduate program, the first thing to do is to register on studiare.unife.it
If you want, you can see the Registration Guide.

Once registered, in the “Area Registrato” (“Registered Area”), select “test di ammissione” (admission test) and then “iscrizione” (enrolment).

Select the type of course you chose: postgraduate program, advanced course or training course. Choose the course/postgraduate program of your interest and “iscriviti al concorso” (enrol in the admission test).

“Conferma” (confirm) and conclude the enrolment process.

In the article of the announcement of your course/postgraduate program regarding the modalities of admission to the selection (“Modalità di ammissione alla selezione”), check which documents you have to attach to participate in the selection.

Select “modifica titoli di valutazione” (modify assessment titles) to upload and/or modify the attachments.

In case of mandatory attachments that cannot be modified, contact s.o.s postgraduate to request the cancellation of the document to be replaced.