Dual Enrolment

From the academic year 2022/2023, it is possible to enrol simultaneously in two different higher education courses (Law no. 33, 12/04/2022, Ministerial Decrees no. 930, 29/07/2022 and no. 933, 02/08/2022). 

Among the different opportunities, it is also possible to enrol, at the same time, in:

  • a bachelor or master’s degree program and a postgraduate program;
  • two postgraduate programs, as long as the postgraduate program is not the same; 
  • a postgraduate program and a non-medical course of specialization;
  • a postgraduate program and a medical course of specialization.

How to enrol to a Unife postgraduate program if already enrolled in another postgraduate program

Fill out the online form.


It is not allowed to enrol in the same postgraduate program activated by two different Universities, nor in the same postgraduate program with different levels (first and second level). The Teaching Council or a delegated committee decides to approve or reject the dual enrolment application. Until the decision of the Council/committee, the candidate is subjected to a conditional registration.

To enrol in different levels of the courses of study, it is compulsory to own the required access titles.

If one of the two courses requires compulsory attendance, it is possible to enrol to another course of study only if the latter does not require compulsory attendance.