Enrolling in a course/postgraduate program (foreign citizens with residency abroad)
To enrol in a course/postgraduate program, the first thing to do is to register.
Enrolling in a course/postgraduate program subject to availability
Once registered, in the “Area Registrato” (“Registered Area”), select “Immatricolazione ai corsi a esaurimento posti” (Enrolment in courses subject to availability”).
Select the type of course you chose: postgraduate program, advanced course or training course. Choose the proper course/postgraduate program, click “avanti” (“go on”) and then “conferma” (“confirm”).
In the first passages, you will find the request regarding the potential refund modalities. You will also have to insert or confirm the level of education required for the access to the course.
Choose “Immatricolazione standard” (“Standard enrolment”), select the employment status (it is a compulsory but not influential information), and follow the instructions. The section “Prima immatricolazione universitaria” (“first University enrolment”) is compulsory. The information inserted can be referred to the date of enrolment in the chosen course/postgraduate program.
At the end of the process, there will be a summary of the inserted data. Check it and, if everything is correct, “conferma” (“confirm”) the enrolment.
Attach the documents listed in the article “modalità di iscrizione” (“registration conditions”) of the notice of the course/postgraduate program you chose.
To upload the attachments, go to “Allegati carriera” (“career attachments”) in your personal area among the items on the right.
Enrolling in a course/postgraduate program with an open access
Once registered, in the “Area Registrato” (“Registered Area”), select “Immatricolazione ai corsi ad accesso libero” (Enrolment in courses with an open access”).
Select the type of course you chose: postgraduate program, advanced course or training course. Choose the proper course/postgraduate program, click “avanti” (“go on”) and then “conferma” (“confirm”).
In the first passages, you will find the request regarding the potential refund modalities. You will also have to insert or confirm the level of education required for the access to the course.
Choose “Immatricolazione standard” (“Standard enrolment”), select the employment status (it is a compulsory but not influential information), and follow the instructions. The section “Prima immatricolazione universitaria” (“first University enrolment”) is compulsory. The information inserted can be referred to the date of enrolment in the chosen course/postgraduate program.
At the end of the process, there will be a summary of the inserted data. Check it and, if everything is correct, “conferma” (“confirm”) the enrolment.
Attach the documents listed in the article “modalità di iscrizione” (“enrolment conditions”) of the announcement of the course/postgraduate program you chose.
To upload the attachments, go to “Allegati carriera” (“career attachments”) in your personal area among the items on the right.
Enrolling in a course/postgraduate program with an admission test
Once you passed the admission test, in order to enrol select “Immatricolazione ai corsi ad accesso programmato” (“Enrolment in courses with an admission test”) in the “Area Registrato” (“Registered Area”).
Select the type of course you chose: postgraduate program, advanced course or training course. Choose the proper course/postgraduate program, click “avanti” (“go on”) and then “conferma” (“confirm”).
In the first passages, you will find the request regarding the potential refund modalities. You will also have to insert or confirm the level of education required for the access to the course.
Choose “Immatricolazione standard” (“Standard enrolment”), select the employment status (it is a compulsory but not influential information), and follow the instructions. The section “Prima immatricolazione universitaria” (“first University enrolment”) is compulsory. The information inserted can be referred to the date of enrolment in the chosen course/postgraduate program.
At the end of the process, there will be a summary of the inserted data. Check it and, if everything is correct, “conferma” (“confirm”) the enrolment.
Attach the documents listed in the article “modalità di iscrizione” (“registration conditions”) of the notice of the course/postgraduate program you chose.
To upload the attachments, go to “Allegati carriera” (“career attachments”) in your personal area among the items on the right.